Grape Leaves

Thank you to Chef Elizabeth Schandelmeier Gilgunn of Slow Cooked Pittsburgh for sharing her super yummy recipe with us and also to her photographer friend Christian Kahle for the photo!

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Garden Bulgar

Thanks so much to Chef Brian Patton from Vegin’ Out for sharing this quick and easy vegan side dish recipe with the Yummy Plants community!  It’s a great dish to…

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Baked Beans

A huge thank you to Elizabeth Schandelmeier Gilgunn from Slow Cooked Pittsburgh for sharing her vegan baked beans recipe with us!  Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day!!

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Potato Masala Filling for Dosas

Thanks once again to Mrs. R. for sharing this amazingly yummy recipe! I originally was just making this potato “masala,” which means “mixture,” to place inside the dosas. But I am so in love with this spicy blend of ginger, mustard seed, cilantro, chilis, onion and potatoes, that I started making at at least once a week just to eat as a side dish!

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Cranberry Sauce

Although we think of Cranberry Sauce as a traditional Thanksgiving recipe, cranberries add a sweet tang to any dish… they’re not just for Thanksgiving!

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Asparagus with Cannellini

Thanks to Alan Roettinger for sharing this easy vegan dinner recipe from his book, Speed Vegan, published by Book Publishing Company. It’s a beautiful and delicious dish for company!

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