Choose Clean and Green When Dining Out

Choose Clean and Green When Dining Out

How Clean Is Your Favorite Café?

As a conscious eater, when cooking at home, you probably put a lot of thought into where your food comes from and making sure it’s prepared in a safe environment. But what about when you’re eating out at your local café? Do you always know how your food and drink are prepared? As many as 48 million people get sick every year from foodborne illnesses. This is why good restaurant kitchen cleaning practices are essential for ensuring that your food has been prepared in hygienic conditions.

Choose Green Where You Can

No one wants to think their favorite café or restaurant is bad for the world, but in reality, the food industry is a huge contributor to climate change. Restaurants in the US waste a staggering 22 to 33 billion pounds of food each year. So choose wisely with your pocketbook. Where you can, consider supporting restaurants that use organic, locally sourced ingredients. Are there vegan-friendly restaurants in your area that use biodegradable packaging? When you support restaurants that choose to reduce their plastic burden, you are helping to lessen the cycle of waste.

Look Beyond The Ingredients

Being a sustainable and ethical food business is much more than just serving truly vegan food, it’s about people too. It requires a commitment to responsible sourcing, fair wages and supporting the local community. Coffee has long been an industry under the spotlight for its labor practices. It’s estimated that 25 million coffee supply chain workers face exploitation. To ensure your oat milk latte only comes from a genuinely ethical business, check whether they service Fair Trade or Rainforest Alliance-certified tea and coffee. You can also find out if the café partners with local farmers and suppliers.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. You can choose to support a business that aligns with your values.

​Next time you head out to your favorite café, consider how you can use your cash to enjoy meals that are good for you – and also good for the environment.