Vegan Easter: Dinner, Baskets & Decorating “Eggs”

Vegan Easter: Dinner, Baskets & Decorating “Eggs”

Celebrate a vegan Easter holiday with chocolate Easter bunnies, an Easter basket and a special vegan Easter dinner!

Let’s start with the baskets! There are many sources for vegan sweets and chocolate.

Vegan Easter Baskets

Eco-friendly Easter Grass
That messy transparent plastic “grass” used to fill Easter baskets can become quite a hassle when it gets stuck to everything! Instead of purchasing this plastic grass, try a more eco-friendly option like recycled newspapers or craft and wrapping papers you have around the house.  Use a shredder to cut the paper.  (If you don’t have a shredder, you could try making thin slices with the paper cutter at a FedEx Kinko’s or at your workplace).

We’ve also read that you can sprout wheat berry grass.   It only takes a week to grow a lush grass filling for your Easter basket.

Easter “Egg” Decorating, Vegan Style 
Use wooden or plastic eggs and non-toxic paint.  Or… use vegan white chocolate!  Carve, (or if using chips, slightly melt and mold), the white chocolate into the shape of an egg and use a chemical-free dye.  We found a chemical free dye made by India Tree. There may be others near you.

Alternative Gift Ideas

  • Give a living gift by planting a garden of edible plants and spring-blooming flowers.
  •  Create a tasty gift of your own vegan baked goods and fill a basket with seasonal favorites such as muffins, scones, and home-made carob chocolates.

Recipes for Easter Brunch and Dinner

Brunch ideas from VegNews Magazine:

Dinner ideas:

Now you’ve got the basket, the candy, the recipes… you’re ready for a fabulous Easter holiday.  Happy Easter!

Contributed by Emily Cassel